Monday, May 12, 2008

I found the easiest way to get leads

There's a great new program launching that I heard about at the EDC convention in San Diego last April. It's called Prospect Blazer. This thing is amazing...people pay you to become your leads.

It couldn't be easier. Everything is there for you. Capture pages pre-made and hosted so you can start advertising right away. They even give you the ad copy and headlines to use. It's so push-button, anyone can do it in no time.

Besides free capture pages, they also provide you with paid capture pages and sales pages for the sought-after software included in the program. There's a great selection of graphical templates to choose from, and many of the pages have virtual spokesmodels. All included in your yearly membership, which is dirt cheap for everything you get.

I love the training videos. They show you step by step where and how to post your ads (which are written for you!) on the most effective advertising sites. Simple!

There's also a great affiliate program and crazy bonus packages for people who sign up right away. Prospect Blazer has too much good stuff to talk about here, go check it out for yourself! But only if you're interested in attracting more leads than you can handle!

It's launching next week, but if you want in now you can use my link:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Best Way to Make Coffee

I'm always searching for that perfect cup of coffee...especially if I can make it at home. Now that I have a home office (instead of the one on campus, right next to Starbuck's), it's important that I can make myself a cup of joe when I need one.

Regular coffee makers seem like such a pain with the filters and cleaning and forgetting to turn them off. I found the answer at...Starbuck's!

The French Press has come to my rescue. It's great, I just boil the water and pour it over the grounds inside the press. 4 minutes later, push the plunger and voila - perfect, rich, black coffee. I like mine strong, so I'll brew a dark roast (Komodo Dragon is good) in the French Press and it leaves a nice dark ring on my cup. Yum!

They're great for some places a coffeemaker wouldn't been good for like smaller spaces or offices. An electric kettle is all you need. But don't buy it at Starbuck's! I thought I looked everywhere and could only find it there, but of course as soon as I bought it, I found one at REI and another one at IKEA. So do shop around! I find the "8 cup" size to fill about 2 of my coffee cups, so I'd get a bigger one next time.

Happy brewing!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Consolidation Woes

I've moved 3 times during my six month grace period. This is not good for my already disorganized paper situation. So when I found the letter from my student loan guarantor the other day, I had a mixed reaction.

At least I found some documentation of all this money I owe...but repayment starts at the end of this month. Yikes! I haven't even looked at consolidating those suckers yet.

I spent a little time on (wich is provided by TG, my guarantor - they've been great so far) and learned that the federal Stafford loans that I took out before July 1, 2006 are variable interest rate loans and they're going up as soon as my repayment period begins. Consolidating before then locks in my current rate. So, I better do that, right?

A little more searching - I'm supposed to talk to my lender 6 weeks in advance! Ooops! I better go get on that. I think I need some coffee for this.

None of this will matter too much in the long run, since I'm going to have them paid off this year, using the Brand Build Blast marketing system. No worries :)


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Little About Me...

I'm 26 years old, and I've been in school as long as I can remember. Everyone says go to school and work hard so you can get into another school, and eventually you'll get a good job and make a lot of money. So I did.
I liked school, so I kept going. High School was easy, and college was great, so I decided to go to grad school. Why not? If I just get a Ph.D, then I'll be sure to make enough money.

The promises just don't seem to hold up anymore. The longer I spent in grad school, the more I started to realize that people with a Ph.D in clinical psychology don't make that much money!
On top of that, it was going to end up costing me upwards of $100,000 in student loans to get the degree. I wouldn't even make that much my first year working!

I knew there was something better out there.
This month, I graduate with a master's degree, and I'm striking out on my own. I plan to pay off my $50,000 in loans by the end of the year - by working from home.
By the way, I am also recently engaged. So besides paying off my student loan debt (and my future husband's!), I'm saving for a wedding and honeymoon.

I have a few ideas...and am open to suggestions!
check out for a blueprint of my action plan, and stay tuned for updates on my progress.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcome to the Loan Buzz!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Keep reading (or subscribe to my feed!) to learn more about me in the next few posts.

I'll be documenting the student loan repayment process and discussing my plan to pay them off in 6 months. I want to help others pay off their loans before their grace periods expire - don't pay one penny more than you have to!

I also love pets, music, and coffee, so you can expect updates on those parts of my life too :)

Happy reading, and please let me know what you think by leaving a comment!
